I have been looking for a few days now for options to get to Santiago during this first Holy Year 2021 and it is decided, it will be the Camino Inglés. In the Middle Ages, it was the route chosen by pilgrims from northern Europe, mainly from England and Ireland. All stages run through the province of La Coruña.

As you can see in the references that I leave at the end, this Camino Inglés has two possible starting points:
- El Ferrol. The distance is about 112 km distributed in 5 stages.
- El Ferrol – Pontedeume – Betanzos – Hospital de Bruma – Sigüeiro – Santiago de Compostela.
- La Coruña. The distance in this case is only 73 km distributed in 4 stages.
- La Coruña – Sergude – Hospital de Bruma – Sigüeiro – Santiago de Compostela.
Knowing the time that I usually reserve in December for this type of route, my option will be to do both sections that meet in the town of Bruma Hospital: I will start from El Ferrol and, passing Bruma, I will take a bus (info from Public Transport of Galicia) in Mesón do Vento to La Coruña. The timetable allows for a relaxed day from Betanzos. The plan would be as follows:
- Stages: El Ferrol – Pontedeume – Betanzos – Mesón do Vento > bus > La Coruña – Sergude – Hospital de Bruma – Sigüeiro – Santiago de Compostela.
- Distance: approximately 145 km.
In total it will be 7 days walking on the English Way and leaves me a day off in Santiago de Compostela before returning to Zaragoza.
I also leave you a map with the elevation:
- Diputación de La Coruña
- Official website of the Camino de Santiago de la Xunta de Galicia
- Gronze.com > stages, forum, …
- Tracks > RayyRosa.com and Wikiloc