Camino de Santiago Stats

Here are some statistics of the Camino de Santiago that are not normally displayed: they are displayed by months in order to understand the seasonality of the pilgrimage. You can explore them and perform your own analysis using the full screen mode. I update the statistics a couple of times a month.

Monthly statistics since 2003

These statistics for the Camino de Santiago show the two holy years in the historical series (2004 and 2010). Will the years 2021 and 2022 (both Holy Years) mean a recovery in pilgrimage data?

I will update them as I get the data from the Pilgrim’s Office of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

I leave you also the figures of pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago through Aragon in 2020 who passed through Jaca.

Evolution of pilgrims by country over the years

Here you have the animation. I will update the data at the same time as the statistics.

Daily arrival of pilgrims

Since Christmas 2021, I started collecting the daily pilgrim arrival data provided by the Pilgrim’s Office on its home page. Here you can see the evolution of the arrivals with daily updates.

Types of analysis and statistics of the Camino de Santiago

These are some of the types of analysis you can explore:

  • Time series from 2003 to 2020 based on monthly data
  • Means used for pilgrimage (monthly and cumulative)
  • Most traveled roads (monthly and cumulative)
  • Gender of pilgrims: when was the first month that there were more female pilgrims than male pilgrims (*)?
  • Pilgrimage start city (monthly and cumulative)
  • Country of origin of pilgrims (monthly and cumulative)
  • Continent of origin of pilgrims (monthly and cumulative)
  • Motivation to do the Camino (monthly and cumulative)
  • Dedication of pilgrims (monthly and cumulative)
  • Age of pilgrims (monthly and cumulative)

Improvements on the Statistics of the Camino de Santiago

It is true that improvements could be considered, but these are the data available from the original source. It is also true that there is some error in the data, for example, the dedication of pilgrims in 2018, but I will correct them as they become available.

[Update – 10/01/2021] You can already see the decrease in the number of pilgrims compared to a “normal” year: in total, it is down 84.49% compared to 2019 due to COVID-19. Summer pilgrimages were hardly significant.

(*) by the way, it was in September 2016 with a difference of more than 800 pilgrims.

Pilgrims survey

I have created a survey to collect extra information about your Camino experience. I will also share the results with everyone under Creative Commons license. If you want to fill it out, here it is. Here are the preliminary results. Thank you in advance.

Automated with KNIME Analytics Platform on Google’s Looker Studio.

5 thoughts on “Camino de Santiago Stats”

  1. Nice site. Having just completed my first Camino and also have some aptitude for data, I appreciate your site.

    1. Thank you Greg! If you want to explore some dataset, let me know. I’m working in gathering all the albergues listed by Google near all the Caminos 😉

  2. Les amis du chemin de St Jacques St Jean pied de port:
    Nos amis des associations du camino Frances ne comprennent pas pourquoi il y a une telle différence entre le chiffre de départ chez nous et l’arrivée à Compostelle. Est ce que statistiquement on peut donner une ( ou plusieurs) explications? Le chiffre exact des départs ver le camino Frances depuis chez nous est de 53 837. Merci pour votre travail et bonne année. Jean Louis

    1. Aspirot jean louis

      ou nous avons les chiffres par années et mois, mais calculer ouff!!!! le boulot. Exact ,beaucoup le font en tronçons, tout le monde n’a pas un mois devant soi, (sauf les étrangers venant de loin); dans ce cas on peut aussi considerer que les départs de Pamplona, Burgos, Leon, ponferrada, Cebreiro se rajoutent d’une année sur l’autre?

      1. Bonjour Jean Louis. La vérité est que c’est quelque chose dont on m’avait déjà parlé depuis d’autres zones de sortie comme Jaca. La raison principale, je pense, est que tout le monde qui arrive à Santiago (et plus encore les jours de forte affluence) ne demande pas la Compostelle. Il faudrait également tenir compte des pèlerins qui commencent le pèlerinage mais le font dans plusieurs années (mon cas par exemple pour les chemins longs).

        Avez-vous ces chiffres de départ disponibles par mois et par année ? Peut-être qu’une corrélation peut être étudiée. Je vois aussi comment estimer les jours de départ des origines en fonction du temps approximatif de pèlerinage mais ce sera très approximatif par les données que vous indiquez.

        Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire et pour votre travail depuis les associations.

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