knime twitter camino hashtags

Camino de Santiago on Twitter

During these days I have been testing new KNIME workflows to collect information about conversations and associated hashtags about the El Camino de Santiago Twitter. The objective would be to identify the hashtags that appear next to the main hashtags of these types of tweets: #CaminodeSantiago, #TheWayofStJames, #Jakobsweg, #ChemindeCompostelle, #CaminhoSantiago, …

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How many pilgrims travelled through Jaca in 2020?

The total number of pilgrims on the French Way of St. James through Aragon who passed through the Municipal Hostel of Jaca in 2020 was 229. The graphs are based on figures provided by the Asociación de Amigos del Camino de Santiago de Jaca ( You can also follow them on Twitter (@jacajacobea) and the

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