Camino de Santiago and The Way

This time, we are going to analyze the relationship between the interest in El Camino de Santiago and The Way, the movie set on the Camino, starring Martin Sheen and directed by his son Emilio Estevez for this Google Trends tool.

The film is released in 2010 but it is not until October 2011 that the peak of interest in the film is detected. In parallel, interest in the search term “Camino de Santiago” within the United States is beginning to grow. Here you can see the relation:

camino de santiago the way
Camino de Santiago vs The Way

Now the idea is to identify those peaks (another one appears in June 2013) with increases in American pilgrims. If we go to the statistics page, we see that the main growth is in 2012 and 2013. After that year, U.S. pilgrims have continued to grow steadily.

camino de santiago The Way usa pilgrims increase
U.S. pilgrims over time by year and month

Similarly, we can do this analysis for other nationalities and try to identify whether there have been events or trends that have led to an increase in the number of pilgrims.